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Convergence Between IR and PR

The convergence between investor relations and public relations has been discussed for a while and seems obvious because both roles hold key communication and outreach functions within a company. But what benefits can the convergence between both functions bring? Strong coordination of a company’s image and messaging to both investors and the public can help drive valuation, revenue, and support the overall brand.

At Alliance Advisors IR, we integrate our IR and PR teams to collaborate and raise brand awareness, emphasize product value, and showcase key business differentiators to appeal to all stakeholders. This integration enables us to explore the increasing number of diverse opportunities to “get the message out” beyond the standard conference call and press release. IR and PR offer the perfect blend to strengthen and clarify a company’s message while increasing visibility.

Small Caps

This integrated IR-PR approach is especially important for small-cap companies. In today’s world where company transparency, speed, and agility are becoming increasingly important, one of the best ways for organizations to adapt and be equipped for the future is by combining best practices from IR and PR.

Values and Brand

Today’s stakeholders want to know about a company’s long-term vision, purpose, core values, and highlights from the internal culture. Customers, investors, and employees all demand transparency, so corporate positioning and branding must be consistent with aligned messaging as stakeholders seek to associate their purchases, investments, or careers with companies that share their values. This makes it even more crucial to voice and echo the company’s mission and core values, objectives, and goals in a precise and unified manner. IR teams need to go beyond revenue reporting! A perfect blend of IR and PR can reinforce values internally, and externally can reap immense benefits, from improved engagement with investors to bolstered customer acquisition and retention.

IR and PR teams today should be able to tell a story that evokes emotion and positively influences awareness and affinity among investors that demonstrates profitability, or the clear path to profitability. Today, companies aren’t just selling a product or service, they’re selling a brand that has a purpose and a set of values that is supported by PR. PR helps with that aspect of storytelling by engaging customers with a uniform message that showcases the company’s values in action.

Alliance Advisors IR has integrated the divisions of IR and PR to help their clients build a stronger core by breaking down barriers of communication, improving information flow, and bolstering efficiency. Most importantly, this helps clients to better communicate their purpose by delivering a consistent voice to all their different stakeholders to build trust in a transparent way internally and with the outside world.

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